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Miss Ka`u Coffee contestants Maria Miranda, Jennifer Tabios and Joyce Ibasan, joined by Miss Peaberry contestant Jazmyn Navarro, visit Ka`u Coffee Mill. Miss Ka`u Coffee candidate Louise Vivien Santos, not shown. The pageant is Sunday, April 26 at Pahala Community Center. Photo by Julia Neal |
MOVING UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI`I’S COLLEGE of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources from Manoa to Hilo is the subject of a resolution introduced at the state Legislature by Ka`u’s Rep. Richard Creagan, a physician.
Creagan’s idea is to move the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy from Hilo to Kakaako to integrate with the John A. Burns School of Medicine and the university’s struggling Cancer Center. UH-CTAHR would take over the building that currently houses the pharmacy program.Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view. |
Ka`u state Rep. Richard Creagan |
“It makes total sense,” Creagan said at Saturday’s meeting of Hawai`i Farmers Union United. “We have the land and small farmers.” He said he has talked to several other legislators about the idea but has yet to discuss it with UH officials. HFUU members at the meeting expressed interest in the suggestion.
HR 100 lists several reasons for moving CTAHR to the Big Island:
HR 100 lists several reasons for moving CTAHR to the Big Island:
- It would enhance the ability of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management at the Hilo campus to better fulfill its goal of supporting agriculture on the Big Island and improving food security.
- This transition could support and enhance undergraduate agricultural education and facilitate the development of graduate degree programs in various aspects of agriculture at the Hilo campus.
- Graduates of the enhanced Hilo campus could help make the Big Island a better source of agricultural productivity and food security.
- The Big Island has a long tradition of agriculture and a larger land mass than all of the other Hawaiian Islands combined, and would better support and improve agricultural research.
The university’s Cancer Center and some of its facilities could be repurposed and reinvigorated by aligning them with the College of Pharmacy, thereby providing enhanced cancer treatment options to the people of the state.
It also states that having the pharmacy school aligned with the medical school would enhance research and sharing of clinical skills and team-based practice activities.
It also states that having the pharmacy school aligned with the medical school would enhance research and sharing of clinical skills and team-based practice activities.
“Strengthening of the Kaka`ako campus would be a game-changer in Hawai`i and pay many dividends by advancing the study of health sciences and strengthening the economic base of the Kaka`ako campus,” according to the resolution.
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Lava flow areas near Pahoa remain inactive. Map from Hawai`i County Civil Defense |
The full resolution and the opportunity to provide testimony are available at
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THE LAVA FLOW FIELD NEAR PAHOA remains inactive, according to reports from Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Breakouts continue in at least three areas northeast of Pu`u `O`o. The breakout that started on the northern flank of Pu`u `O`o is spreading out at the northeastern base of the cone, and the one near Kahauale`a has reached the forest at the edge of the flow field northeast of Pu`u `O`o. A third breakout, active about three to four miles northeast of Pu`u `O`o, appears to be comparatively small.
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THE LAVA FLOW FIELD NEAR PAHOA remains inactive, according to reports from Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Breakouts continue in at least three areas northeast of Pu`u `O`o. The breakout that started on the northern flank of Pu`u `O`o is spreading out at the northeastern base of the cone, and the one near Kahauale`a has reached the forest at the edge of the flow field northeast of Pu`u `O`o. A third breakout, active about three to four miles northeast of Pu`u `O`o, appears to be comparatively small.
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REQUIRED REGISTRATION IS DUE TODAY to attend Ka`u Rural Health Community Association’s 18th annual Ka`u Rural Health Conference Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. The topic is Rural Health at Work in Our Communities Focusing on Health, Education, Resource opportunities and Economic Sustainability.
Call 928-0101 or see Lunches and refreshments are provided with registration.
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CONGRESSWOMAN TULSI GABBARD JOINED a bipartisan panel called Millennials: The Unstoppable Force at the 2015 South by Southwest Interactive Festival to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities that face the Millennial generation in America.
The panel focused the conversation on pressing issues facing young Americans, including Internet freedom, jobs, debt, healthcare and criminal justice reform. The event takes place in Austin, Texas.
The panel focused the conversation on pressing issues facing young Americans, including Internet freedom, jobs, debt, healthcare and criminal justice reform. The event takes place in Austin, Texas.
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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard discusses challenges and opportunities facing the Millenial generation. Photo from Office of Rep. Gabbard |
“Too often, political bickering in Washington overshadows the issues that this generation of Americans are concerned about,” Gabbard said. “Millennials care less about party labels and blind partisanship, and care more about getting things done. Like so many people, of all generations, I’m working toward finding creative solutions to the challenges that face our country and finding strong partners to work with to get the job done. That must include more open dialogue and bipartisan collaboration in Congress that prioritizes results over rhetoric, and engaging with leaders and innovators who are finding solutions every day in our communities and in the private sector.”
There are 90 million Americans who make up the Millennial generation, and they face a set of challenges related to student debt, health care and employment that are unique to their generation. Generally considered a tech-savvy, highly educated and engaged group, there are opportunities for Millennials to be game-changers in the realm of business, politics and public service, Gabbard said.
Before attending the SXSW panel, Gabbard met with members of The Bunker, a program built by veteran entrepreneurs for veteran entrepreneurs. The Bunker targets existing veteran-owned tech startups and aspiring entrepreneurs to come, create and conquer the business world through their ideas, hard work and strategy. They invite early-stage companies to apply to join The Bunker and provide space for six months, access to great talent, an exclusive network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentorship and professional development and access to capital. The Bunker also invites aspiring entrepreneurs to apply to become Entrepreneurs in Residence at The Bunker, and intern at one of our portfolio companies.
There are 90 million Americans who make up the Millennial generation, and they face a set of challenges related to student debt, health care and employment that are unique to their generation. Generally considered a tech-savvy, highly educated and engaged group, there are opportunities for Millennials to be game-changers in the realm of business, politics and public service, Gabbard said.
Before attending the SXSW panel, Gabbard met with members of The Bunker, a program built by veteran entrepreneurs for veteran entrepreneurs. The Bunker targets existing veteran-owned tech startups and aspiring entrepreneurs to come, create and conquer the business world through their ideas, hard work and strategy. They invite early-stage companies to apply to join The Bunker and provide space for six months, access to great talent, an exclusive network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentorship and professional development and access to capital. The Bunker also invites aspiring entrepreneurs to apply to become Entrepreneurs in Residence at The Bunker, and intern at one of our portfolio companies.
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KA`U COFFEE AND MISS PEABERRY CONTESTANTS are busy learning about the local coffee industry. They recently visited Ka`u Coffee Mill to see the roasting equipment and coffee drying facility. They also meet each week to practice and prepare for their time on stage Sunday, April 26 at Pahala Community Center. Tickets will soon be available for the pageant from the candidates and their families. Scholarship funding can be donated by calling 928-9811.
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REQUIRED REGISTRATION IS DUE TODAY to attend Ka`u Rural Health Community Association’s 18th annual Ka`u Rural Health Conference Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. The topic is Rural Health at Work in Our Communities Focusing on Health, Education, Resource opportunities and Economic Sustainability.
Call 928-0101 or see Lunches and refreshments are provided with registration.
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FHVNP volunteers plant native seedlings. Photo by Carol Johnson |
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to sign up for Friends of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park’s Forest Restoration Project on Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kahuku Unit of Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Volunteers plant native seedling trees in a fenced enclosure where plants will be protected from grazing animals.
Email or call 352-1402.
KA`U COFFEE GROWERS AND PROCESSORS are invited to learn about new coffee shipping permit conditions tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. at Kona Cooperative Extension Service Conference Room, 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy in Kealakekua.
KILAUEA MILITARY CAMP’S CRATER RIM CAFÉ in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park offers a St. Patrick’s Day Buffet tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Lava Lounge presents the Whirlijigs Irish Dance Troupe and music from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8356
AN EVENING OF HULA AND HAWAIIAN MUSIC takes place Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Featuring Stan Kaina, Leo Nahenahe o Pohai Kealoha and dancers from Kumu Hula Ab Valencia’s Halau Hula Kalehuaki`eki`eika`iu. Free; park entrance fees apply.
KA`U COFFEE GROWERS AND PROCESSORS are invited to learn about new coffee shipping permit conditions tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. at Kona Cooperative Extension Service Conference Room, 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy in Kealakekua.
KILAUEA MILITARY CAMP’S CRATER RIM CAFÉ in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park offers a St. Patrick’s Day Buffet tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Lava Lounge presents the Whirlijigs Irish Dance Troupe and music from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Open to authorized patrons and sponsored guests. Park entrance fees apply. 967-8356
AN EVENING OF HULA AND HAWAIIAN MUSIC takes place Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Featuring Stan Kaina, Leo Nahenahe o Pohai Kealoha and dancers from Kumu Hula Ab Valencia’s Halau Hula Kalehuaki`eki`eika`iu. Free; park entrance fees apply.
KA`U FARM BUREAU MEETS TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY on March 30 at 6 p.m. at Pahala Community Center. Email Ralph Gaston for more information.
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